BELLS participates at the Future Forward with Workforce and Business Transformation Conference

BELLS has been invited to participate at the Future Forward with Workforce and Business Transformation Conference organized by NTUC Job Security Council (JSC) on 17th October.

Singapore National Employers Federation and Employment & Employability Institute, e2i come together to strengthen the Job Security Council. and to offer more holistic support to employers and enhance the ecosystem to provide better job-matching for employers and workers, Singapore National Employers Federation and Employment & Employability Institute, e2i come together to strengthen the Job Security Council.

This partnership has been aimed to:
šŸ‘‰ Bridge employers to a greater pool of talent from e2iā€™s database of job seekers
šŸ‘‰ Provide employers with resources and tools to support workforce transformation
šŸ‘‰ Enhance employability of workers

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