BELLS Achieves Cyber Essentials Certification with Momentum Z’s and GICG’s Support

We’re thrilled to share the fantastic news that BELLS has successfully secured the prestigious Cyber Essentials mark, courtesy of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA). This accomplishment is a major leap forward in our unwavering commitment to cybersecurity, underlining our dedication to safeguarding our digital assets and client data.

Here are the highlights of this remarkable achievement:

tech courses in SingaporeCSA’s Initiative: Our certification is part of a strategic initiative by the CSA to bolster the cybersecurity defenses of businesses in Singapore. We are immensely grateful for the invaluable support received through this program.

Enhancing Cybersecurity: The Cyber Essentials certification delves into crucial facets of recommended cybersecurity practices, covering Assets, Secure/Protect, Update, Backup, and Respond.

Momentum Z’s Guidance: A heartfelt shout-out to the exceptional team at Momentum Z for their pivotal role in advising and supporting our cybersecurity measures. Explore more about them at Momentum Z.

GICG’s Support: Special thanks to GICG for their unwavering support in reaching this significant milestone. Discover more about their contributions at GICG.

But that’s not all – BELLS is actively exploring exciting collaboration opportunities to extend cyber training benefits to other companies. Stay tuned for updates, and check out our other Tech courses in Singapore here. For inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at The journey to a secure digital landscape continues!

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